Plan Upgrades

SkyCaddie SX550

Back In Play In-Warranty Service

  • New Replacement SkyCaddie SX550 w/ 180 day warranty or time left on original warranty (whichever is greater)
  • $234.50 In-Warranty Credit*
  • UPS Ground Shipping from SkyGolf
  • Postage Paid UPS Return Shipping label (+$15.50 flat rate)*
Concierge Service available - Click Here for more information on loading your current membership and all of your existing courses to your replacement device - a $39.95 value, Free with Back In Play Service.
*PLEASE NOTE:  A $234.50 In-Warranty Credit will be applied in the shopping cart when entering the one-time use coupon code provided by SkyGolf Customer Service. A $15.50 non-refundable charge for the Postage Paid Return Label is required for all Back In Play Services. Failure to return your original device within 14 days will result in an additional device fee of $249.95. Please allow up to 2 business days for BIP order processing.

* Estimated VAT included in price. Final VAT calculated at checkout.