Have a question about membership, or your plan in particular? Please check the question you may have below, or enter your question in the search box above
for U.S. Only
To View or Change your Auto Renewal Status:
- Log into your account. (
- Click on Subscription
- Select Active Subscriptions
Below AutoPay, you will see your active auto renewals are green. To turn off, click the green button until it displays "Cancel".
This will turn off all future auto-renewals. To turn back on, simply click the button until Renew is displayed to ensure your membership is renewed automatically.
For further assistance, please contact our Support team at 866-759-4653 (U.S. only)
To view these memberships and prices, please Click Here
must be logged in
(United Kingdom)
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
SkyCaddie Mobile App Now available with SkyGolf 360 Birdie/Eagle Plans
All legacy Birdie and Eagle memberships have access to SkyCaddie Mobile app now.
If you have a Birdie or Eagle membership, you now can access course maps in your smartphone using SkyCaddie Mobile.
After you Renew! (SYNC)
Be sure to synchronize your SkyCaddie via Wi-Fi
How do I connect using Wi-FI?
There is no need to connect to your computer through USB. Easily connect to WIFI by following the instructions below:
• Power ON & Choose “SYNC”
• Select “Wi-Fi Sync”
• Choose “Set Up Wi-Fi”
• Choose “Network” (router)
• Login with your Network Password and “Connect”
• Sync Complete/ Select “CLOSE”
from Mobile Device:
1. Using your smart device, go to the Google PlayTM
Store or the Apple® App StoreSM to download the
SkyGolf 360TM Mobile App.
2. Log in with your username and password or create
an account.
To complete the SYNC process, you will need to
pair your SkyCaddie LX5/LX2/TOUCH with the SkyGolf 360 app.
SYNC with Bluetooth Pairing
To pair your SkyCaddie Watch with SkyGolf 360:
1. Press and hold the MENU button until the Menu
2. Select SETTINGS and press the OK button.
3. Select BLUETOOTH.
4. Select SYNC NOW.
The SkyCaddie Watch will turn on Bluetooth and it will go to the
“Pair Ready” screen.
In the SkyGolf 360 mobile app, press the SYNC icon
and follow the on-screen instructions to complete
pairing process.
Via Bluetooth® on your smart device
For further assistance, please contact our Support team at 866-759-4653 for US customers (0800 883 0505 for UK & EU) during business hours.
For further assistance, please contact our Support team at 866-759-4653 for US customers (0800 883 0505 for UK & EU) during business hours.